MJ ALERT SECURITY LTD using the three principles of Technology-Experience-Work Force has created its Central Station with the purpose of offering the highest level of security services.

Equipped with modern programmes for receiving and processing signals, it takes full advantage of modern technology. With the flexibility that it is distinguished for, it adapts directly to any demands, offers its clients a wide range of pioneering services & is compatible to all the top companies abroad. With full knowledge and an immediate recognition of the public’s needs, MJ Alert Security Ltd was organised within modern standards through an appropriate investment of capital. It was created for the present & the future, utilising past experience, and managed to develop into a role-model for organisation and function.

Chosen with strict criteria, the excellently trained security staff at MJ Alert Security Ltd immediately handles any primary or secondary incident, and provides a guarantee for the service and safety of their clients for 24hrs, 365 days a year.

It is at this point that we create a difference to the security of yourselves and your property! 

How is your property protected when you are away?

At exactly the same time that the alarm is activated, a signal comes to the Central Station alerting the handler of the exact details as to where the intrusion has taken place (city, area, street, type of property, etc). The handler calls the owner or the property’s manager immediately to confirm whether the alarm was real, or if the alarm was wrongly handled by a user. If it is determined that the alarm is real, the handler will then immediately call the authorities, (the police, the fire departments and even medical assistance). If you wish not to be called in case of an alarm sounding, an alternative option would be for our own employees to visit your property within ten (10) minutes to see if there has been a break-in or if simply your alarm falsely activated.

Connection with the MJ Alert Security Ltd Central Station means saving money. By connecting your security system to the Central Station you could reduce the insurance on your home or business by 20%

Ask your insurance agent for details.

quick links

emergency num

199 - Police
199 - Hospital
132 - Fire Department
112 - EU SOS

MJ Alert 24/7 number
77 77 61 11